
Fast food of two burgers and French fries on a black plate

373 views • 11 times solved • Feb 4, 2023

Fast food of two burgers and French fries on a black plate

For many people, burgers are unhealthy food that is incompatible with the concept of a healthy diet. However, the main role is played by what products to use for cooking. How can you enjoy your favorite dish with minimal harm to your health and figure? For example, a regular bun with a high calorie content and a high glycemic index can be replaced with a whole-grain or rye bread. Instead of a fat sauce based on mayonnaise and butter, you can use natural low-fat yogurt with spices or herbs. For the patty, you can use more dietary chicken or turkey meat, grilled without using oil. Or meat can be replaced with tofu, then the dish will suit even a vegetarian. Of course, such a burger will be different from those sold in Burger King, but it will be less high-calorie and fatty.

Number of pieces Times solved The fastest time The slowest time The average time
54 6 3m 42s 23m 2s 7m 30s
96 1 54m 3s 54m 3s 54m 3s
150 1 27m 55s 27m 55s 27m 55s
216 1 29m 8s 29m 8s 29m 8s
486 1 2h 45m 15s 2h 45m 15s 2h 45m 15s

Published: Feb 4, 2023
Updated: Feb 4, 2023

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