
Sweet dessert and ingredients for its cooking on a cutting board

305 views • 3 times solved • Jan 3, 2023

Sweet dessert and ingredients for its cooking on a cutting board

Sweet confectionery or pastries that are served at the end of a meal are called desserts. They are often served after lunch and dinner. Cakes, pastries, sweets, and ice cream are usually preferred as a dessert, and it can also be various drinks, for example, hot chocolate or mulled wine. There are specially designed dishes for desserts, like vases, dessert plates, saucers, bowls and much more, as well as special cutlery is served to them: ice cream spoons, dessert forks, knives, fruit forks. There are benefits from sweet desserts, they lift the mood, give a feeling of a surge of strength. Such products have a high caloric content and nutritional value and are suitable for conditions when the opportunity to fully eat is limited, for example, camping or hiking. Sweets are full of carbohydrates — the main source of energy — they quickly satisfy hunger, but they also cause it quickly. However, there is harm from sweets. A large amount of sweet raises the level of insulin, negatively affects the cardiovascular system, increases cholesterol levels in the blood and, in addition to increasing body weight, have negative effects on the health of the skin, hair, and nails. Dyes, flavors, and additives can cause allergic reactions in the form of itching, rashes or redness. Also, the harm from sweets manifests itself in a negative effect on the condition of the teeth. The good news is that these disadvantages can be avoided by eating desserts in reasonable doses, without making them a permanent basis of the diet.

Number of pieces Times solved The fastest time The slowest time The average time
150 2 47m 48s 52m 57s 50m 22s

Published: Jan 3, 2023
Updated: Jan 18, 2023

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